crocodiles and christmas

So, heading ever closer to that 2008. time to start wrapping up the year and getting ready to start again. It’s sort of predictable, but sometimes you just can’t help it. So – some endings before the begins.First off, I just want to send holiday hopes and good new year wishes to all those formerly of seattle’s Crocodile Café.who knows – it’s possible it may open again, but it won’t be the same. The Crocodile Cafe has closed it’s doors, and that… well… sucks. I know i don’t live in Seattle anymore, but 10 years of my life were spent in that town, and so many of those nights were spent at the Crocodile. On the stage, in the bar, in the cafe, eating, drinking, listening to music, and playing music. Meeting new friends, meeting old friends…so many great memories. even a couple of bad memories – but that makes the whole thing even better. 

More on this later – because it kills me.

I would have loved to go back to Seattle with my band and hit that Crocodile stage again… 

I had so many good times playing there with Black NIte Crash. Doing those “hate ’em but love ’em” tribute nights, rockstar karaokes, birthday parties, weddings. I played DJ there. I have a nice scar on my chin from there. I have nights i have no idea how the hell i made it home from there. i have heartaches and heartbreaks there. bartender crushes and rockstar lushes, and images of standing and watching so many bands there… 

i’m glad, in some way, i was part of that history.

Missing the Crocodile.And now I’m in LA – where Christmas almost feels wrong. It’s still good and fun, and it’s great getting some time off work and seeing friends and giving and getting presents, and eating good food… but after decades of living in places where it would get  cold and snowy in the winter, where the frost would stain the windows and the fireplaces would be lit and sending smoke scents off into the winter’s night air, it just seems slightly lacking here – slightly out of place, slightly forced.

The palm trees are all decorated with lights. People are shopping for their holiday treats in shorts and sandals. There are big blow-up Santa shapes and polar bears and penguins in front lawns beside flowering plants and cacti. People have Christmas trees inside and lights on the houses, and it’s 70 degrees outside. Granted, it gets a little colder at night, but still – something just doesn’t quite feel right in this holiday here.

 Another thing that just really annoys me is how people get so offended when you say merry Christmas. I mean – I’m not religious, but it doesn’t matter – it shouldn’t matter. I don’t get all bent out of shape when people say happy 4th of july to me, even though I’m Canadian. Do people get upset if they aren’t irish and people say happy st patrick’s day? I know plenty of people who aren’t of Mexican descent who still have a few drinks for cino de mayo, and what about easter? Easter is about bunnies and eggs, and Christmas is about santa and pine trees. Sure – you got some religious items coming out for the December 25th celebration, but that’s fine – I don’t get upset if someone has some jesus display going where there should be a snowman and a red nosed reindeer. Just accept the fact that people are different, and deal with it. You don’t have to celebrate Christmas, but why be upset if other people do?

 So – I rant – but that’s ok. It’s just annoying. What else to go over before hitting the next year…

Friday the 21st, Shelley and I went to the Arclight to see Sweeny Todd. Brilliant. Tim Burton back on top. Johnny Depp singing – not badly, either. Lots of Blood, great costumes, brilliant story. I don’t think it’s a great Christmas movie for everyone, but for us – it was a definite holiday treat. Then a late night dinner at Eat… and off to sleep.

Saturday was running errands and then off to Shelley’s aunt’s house for a family xmas gathering. It was Christmas – it was family – you know the deal.

Sunday Shelley did a little work at her side job, then we Alan came over, we had a little moscato and then off to the Valley Inn for some old school style holiday dining.

Monday, off work and relaxing. Bob’s Big Boy for lunch, Sushi for dinner, Ghost Rider on TV. Not the best Marvel movie ever, but definitely better than I expected it to be. But then again, I’m a sucker for them comic book movies.

Tuesday the 25th– we call it Christmas. You can call it whatever you like, and I won’t be offended. We opened some presents and drank some sparkling wine and went out for a good breakfast at Sitton’s. then later it was off to Tina and Nathan’s for their friend and family holiday get together. Food and drinks and conversation and crazy kids running around… it was good, but I’m glad it wasn’t at our house. I did, however, eat a lot. But that’s part of the holidays, yeah? Then we said goodbye and left – and stopped off at Solley’s to pick up a little dessert, ‘cause our dessert at T&N’s was a big bowl of Juk. Which was amazing and good and one of the best parts of going over there for Christmas – it’s a Korean dish – a sort of cream of pine nut porridge – and it’s homemade in tina’s kitchen by her uncle every year… So good.

But anyhows – we wanted something a little more traditionally sweet after – so we stopped by the deli for a little Hungarian nut cake and a brownie, and then curled up to watch 3:10 to Yuma, the dogs all warm in their beds, the Christmas tree lit, and it was good.

Now it’s Wednesday. Back at work – and thankfully, the weekend is that much closer.